The LG G Watch has been on sale a few days now, with the early adopters (such as our UK Editor, Tom Dawson) getting to grips with their new gadget. While Tom is finishing up his review of his LG G Watch, the guys over at iFixit have also been putting the G Watch through its paces in their own fashion, with the end result of the G Watch being spread bare in all its glory.
The good news is that they found it was relatively simple to repair, scoring a 9 out of 10 on repairability. The only real difficulty came when removing the display, having to resort to heating the adhesive up in order to insert their ‘opening pick’. Getting into the housing of the G Watch was simple, with the use of a screwdriver to remove the T5 screws on the rear, using the ‘pick’ to disengage the retaining clips.
The strap is of the traditional sort, using spring-loaded pins to latch on to the ends of the watch. You can remove the pins with anything from a fingernail, penknife or a thin flat screwdriver. It literally takes seconds to remove, just keep an eye out for the spring-loaded pins, from prior experience I must warn you that they can jump off in any direction if allowed to.
After removing the screws, the G Watch splits into two halves, with the rear half housing the battery, vibrator and sundries, with the main board and display residing in the front half. This is where the iFixit team went on to remove the little fiddly bits such as the retaining clips, vibrator, battery etc. resulting with innards of the LG G Watch being torn asunder (as per main picture).
As with most of iFixit’s teardowns, this isn’t a recommended exercise for the layman, if something goes wrong with your G Watch, it’s best to take advantage of the warranty and send it in for repair. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below or at our Google Plus page. In the meantime, keep an eye out for Tom’s review of the LG G Watch in the next few days.