T-Mobile's New Simplified Billing Is In, First Wave Of Bills Begin To Reach Customers

Sometimes there’s good news and sometimes there’s bad news when it comes to just about anything, and even America’s darling carrier T-Mobile is no different. Not too long ago Big Magenta was receiving some bad press over a filing from the FTC about unwanted and unwarranted, as well as seemingly bogus SMS message fees that were being charged to customers. John Legere of course, being the widely outspoken CEO that he is wasn’t going to do nothing about the matter, and promptly took to Twitter utilizing 140 characters to explain that the accusations were grossly overrated and completely unfounded. He also mentioned that he and the company were aware of these charges making their way onto customers bills and that T-mobile prides itself on being a carrier that is all about the consumer, and that they were doing everything they could to revert these fees and issue back refunds.

That seems like a pretty decent fix coming from a customer standpoint. Now that the negative press has somewhat blown over on the issue, we can move onto more positive notes about T-mobile and what they have to offer besides all the Uncarrier 5.0/6.0 stuff that was announced earlier last month. The whole music things is fantastic, but even more so is the fact that T-mobile has once again listened to customers and are providing them with new simplified billing, so bills will now be easier to read and look over than ever before. When you first open your bill you’ll see a little preview of what your bill/account looks like, an overview if you will, and then the pages that follow will hold all the details of the bill for that cycle.

A nice new additive is the “bill highlights” box, where it breaks down and alerts you of any changes that happened during the last billing cycle so you can see them at a glance. This is a great little option so you don’t have to get a hold of a rep over the phone or try logging into your account online just to see those changes. You should already know the changes you might have made but in case you forgot or in case you gave the authority for someone else on the account to make account or plan alterations, you can now see what those were right from the bill. The new bills break down all charges accordingly and line by line if you have more than one on your account, which includes all plan charges as well as any outstanding EIP balances that you have left. Are you a current T-Mobile customer? If so are you enjoying the new simplified billing system that the carrier has set up?