TELUS Launches 'Keep It In Your Pants' Campaign in Honor of July's Cellphone Courtesy Month

The schools (or parents) really need to teach and coach the young people in cell phone courtesy, because the young generation is absolutely rude when it comes to talking on their mobile phone.  This does not apply to everyone, but the vast majority of people simply do not know when to stop talking or messaging or game playing and look and speak at the person waiting on you at McDonalds or the cashier at the grocery store – it is simply out and out rude.  Quite honestly, it is not only young kids, but just about any age group that seems to forget their manners when they have that smartphone in their hands.  I have seen people at church listening to the sermon pull out their smartphone to check for messages…yes, yes, I have even done it myself – I guess I need to keep it my pants, too!

In an effort to curb this rude behavior, or at the very least, bring it to the offender’s attention, Canada is celebrating Cellphone Courtesy Month.  To make it even more interesting, TELUS is running their campaign – Keep It In Your Pants – this month to encourage Canadians to keep their mobile phone in their pants (pockets) at appropriate times. TELUS admits that they:

“Feel somewhat responsible for the current state of affairs when it comes to cellphone courtesy – after all, we’re enablers, right?  Admitting to your smartphone etiquette sins is only half the battle.  As the friendly carrier, we want to help Canadians keep it in their pants and resist the temptation of using their device in the wrong place at the wrong time.”  To help with this campaign, they have even created the “The Pantifesto,” which lists 10 tips to help you correct mobile phone rudeness.

Below we present, The Pantifesto for your reading enjoyment – it is worth reading through the entire listing as they are all quite funny.  When you are done reading them, please hit us up on our Google+ Page and let us know if you will be able to “Keep It In Your Pants” during July…as always, we would love to hear from you!  Oh, I have to tell you though that I disagree with the toilet use – why waste time sitting there and doing nothing – a perfect time to check email or send a message.