Find Out If You Have A Heart Condition Using Your Smartphone

Health should be everyone’s number one priority. Or life span here on earth isn’t that long, so we have to be sure to maintain a healthy body. One important aspect of the human body is the heart. We all know what that bad boy does, so there is no need for me to explain. I personally do not mean to scare you, but did you know that dangerous heart conditions can exist without any symptoms. An example of such a condition is a atrial fibrillation, or A-fib for short. An A-fib is a type of abnormal cardiac rhythm that affect one in four people. In order to find out if you have such a condition will require you to go to the doctor and have test done. Well a company called AliveCor has announced that they have a snazzy new device that has recently been approved by the FDA that will detect  an A-fib.

The device is called the the AliveCor Heart Monitor. The hardware cost $199 and fits on both an iPhone and Android device like a case. The device is simple to use as well, just by simply resting your phone with the hardware attached on your finger or chest, it records your electrocardiogram or ECG for short. After retrieving the ECG, heart monitor then sends the information to your smartphone through an ultrasonic signal that is picked up through your smartphones microphone. The information is sent directly to the AliveECG app and then transferred to AliveCor servers, for an instant, highly accurate reading. You can then take the information to your a board-certified cardiologist or your personal physician, who will then conduct further test.

According to AliveCor President and CEO, Euan Thomson “The ability to automatically detect serious heart arrhythmia using mobile technology has the potential to save lives, reduce healthcare costs and allow patients and their caregivers to make informed decisions about cardiac care.” Of course you will still need to head to the doctor for an annual check up, but having this heart monitor is just a self initiative in taking control of your health. So if you think you may have a heart problem of any sort, you can conduct your own test at home. But if you don’t want to spend $199, consult a doctor.