In the last 24 hours, we’ve seen a ton of leaks about Motorola devices. Some have been fake, some have been real. To be honest, it’s been quite a hassle trying to see which are real and which are fake. The reason why we decided to run with this one is there is now a second source (that has a longer track record) claiming that the Motorola Luge is basically a mid-range mini phone for Verizon Wireless.
Last night, we first saw TK Tech News out the Motorola Luge (notice the DROID name is gone), and that it was for Verizon and would be just $199. Now we have another image thanks to Phone Arena that points to the Motorola Luge being nothing more than a Droid Razr M being rebranded and sold as the Motorola Luge. Now the Motorola DROID Razr M is about to be 2 years old now, so it’s kind of surprising to see Motorola rebrand it now. Even if it is for prepaid. It would be hard for us to recommend the Motorola Luge seeing as it’s almost the same price as the Moto G. Although the Luge does have 4G LTE and the Moto G does not. So there is that.
The packaging, as you can see in the image above, does tout Verizon prepaid. It’s actually referring to their $45/month plan which is unlimited talk and text with 500MB of data. It does also have a 4.3-inch qHD AMOLED display, along with Android 4.4.4 KitKat as well as the suite of all of Motorola’s newer apps are included. Which is nice to see since the other Motorola devices from that period are no longer seeing updates.
It’ll be interesting to see how well this sells on Verizon’s network. I’m not sure how popular their prepaid service is, but I don’t think it’s all that popular. Or is that just me? Let us know in the comments below.