NFL Mobile Update Allows For Local Game Streaming For Verizon Premium And More Everything Customers

September 4th will be the big day for a few reasons, one of which is Motorola’s big announcement which should include their unveiling of the Moto 360 smartwatch, the new Moto X, the new Moto G, and a new headset. September 4th is also when the NFL season kicks off, and to prepare for that time we’re starting to see some app refreshes for the top NFL apps, or rather all NFL apps. This includes the official NFL Mobile app, so anyone using that particular application might want to venture into the Play Store and check for the update if you haven’t already received a notification about it.

To cut straight to the chase, it’s a good time to be a Verizon Wireless customer if you’re an NFL fan, simply because now those who subscribe to Verizon and are customers on their More Everything plans along with Verizon Premium subscribers will be able to stream local games being broadcast through CBS or FOX every single Sunday, along with an optional addition of Red Zone for the customers that are subscribing to More Everything plans for an extra $2 monthly fee. Red Zone basically brings the users extra gameday coverage that they can access on-the-go. Streaming local games is obviously the best part about the changes to these apps before the upcoming season that’s just around the corner though.

Users will also be able to access scores, Fantasy team scores, and news all from the redesigned homescreen, making the act of grabbing this information from the app that much faster so you can get back to what you were doing. That’s assuming that you’re not able to watch the game of course. NFL Mobile also now allows all users to stream Fantasy Live content, and select a team to follow in addition to your all time favorite team for news, scores, and highlights from games of either of those teams. If you don’t already use NFL Mobile, you can prepare yourself for the onslaught of upcoming games in the new season by downloading it and giving it the once over, which you can access from the Play Store link below.