OnePlus One owners may want to take note here, as the details of the latest update may have an adverse effect on how you use your device. According to people who have gotten the most recent update and posted their experiences to the CyanogenMod issue tracker, the update version XNPH30O which is coming to users over-the-air is causing the battery life to decrease significantly to the point where it isn’t lasting very long. So, if you haven’t done this update yet it might be advantageous to hold off until there is a fix already out there. The good news is that the team at CynogenMod has narrowed down the two issues being reported and is preparing a fix for both. It likely won’t take long before it’s out, but if it takes till the end of the day for example and you have the update already notifying you, we’d suggest waiting.
The issue tracker is what CyanogenMod has set in place to allow its users to express issues with bugs or other known problems that they’re having, and the thread that was created due to this issue has numerous images posted along with about 118 comments on the matter. Some of them from users and owners of the OnePlus One, and others from community mod and CyanogenMod founder Steve Kondik discussing the issue. As we stated, the good news is that it appears there are fixes on the way.
Kondik explains both issues, one of which is related to the proximity sensor, the other relating to the power management. The former issue Kondik says is due to the inability to essentially leave wakelock, although he explains it as the phone not being able to enter into a completely suspended state, which is causing people’s devices to stay awake. The problem is allegedly due to the proximity sensor entering into a “bad” state, and the CM team, now seemingly aware of the problem is working on a fix. The power management issue is already nipped and a fix will likely be out before the end of the day or whenever they drop the nightly build. If you’re running a stable build of CM11S, an OTA is said to be on the way as well.