Could there be Two Nexus Devices This Year? 5.2 and 5.9 inches?

Phone Arena posted a report earlier this morning, pointing to just that, two Nexus smartphones. It appears that Google is toying around with the idea of a 5.2 to a 5.3 inch model as well as a 5.9 inch model. It’s also being said that the decision could be made after the Moto X+1 is announced/released and it’ll depend on the consumer reaction to the Moto X+1. According to Phone Arena, if many people are clamoring for the smaller Moto X+1, which is said to have a 5.2-inch display, then they will only offer the 5.2-inch Nexus. Otherwise they’ll release both models.

It appears that there are two Moto S’ in the making right now, and Phone Arena seems pretty confident in these rumors – they are usually right when it comes to Motorola rumors. So we may just see a 5.2-inch and a 5.9-inch Nexus smartphone with a Nexus 8.9 from HTC land in the Play Store come Halloween. Which I think would make plenty of people happy, as I know a lot of people are looking forward to a larger Nexus device, while plenty of people don’t want a big phone. And even at 5.2 or 5.3 inches that might be pushing it. But the way that Motorola has been killing bezels lately, I think a 5.2-inch device won’t be as big as many people think it will be.

We should be finding out more details in the next few weeks and even months, as we get closer and closer to Android L releasing in what we believe to be the end of October. Even though we’ve seen numerous reports stating September. I’m still betting on October, as that’s when it as available the last three years. How many of you are interested in a Motorola Nexus? Would you want a 5.2-inch or a 5.9-inch model? Let us know in the comments below.