BitTorrent Unleashes Alpha Version Of Their Secure Chat App To Android Called Bleep


If you spend any amount of time cruising the internet, and part of that time is used for downloading and sharing media, there’s a good chance you’re familiar with BitTorrent. It’s a torrent manager program and Android application that allows you to download torrent files and manage them. BitTorrent will soon be about more than just Torrents though, as they’re preparing a new application/program that is currently in the works for a release onto Android called Bleep. Bleep is a secure messaging application that is currently in an Alpha stage and can be accessed as you’re reading this, so if you wanted to try it out you can do so by hitting the source link below.

The benefits of Bleep and the Alpha version of the application and service come at a time when the public and the internet have been seeing plenty of news regarding the matters of cloud based security, and the things that can happen if you don’t take the steps or measures to ensure your own files and folders stay secure and don’t fall into the wrong hands. While the cloud is a wonderful thing, perhaps some things are better left out of it. It also shouldn’t have to be that way, but that’s life. That’s where Bleep comes in and offers users a serverless chat option to securely and safely send messages, or communicate, share files, etc. with contacts and close friends, or even family.

Bleep allows for the option to be able to sign in using your email or mobile number if you prefer, but they also have an added incognito sign-in option that allows you to log in without giving up any personal identifiable information. With Bleep you can make calls or send text messages only to online contacts, and any messages that are sent out are fully encrypted as well as stored locally on your device and not in the cloud. If you need to, you can even delete your encrypted message history. Other useful features are included in the Alpha now as well like being able to move an existing desktop account to a mobile device, and receive inbound messages on all devices if you have multiple devices that you use with the app. On top of everything, Bleep has a nice Material Design user interface so the looks of the app seem to be all set to mesh with the look of the new Android version when it releases. Anyone going to give Bleep a try? If you’re interested in learning a little more about how Bleep works, you can check out the blog post from the Bleep engineering team here.