Interview: Android Wear Team says the Wearables will Only Get Smarter

CNET recently sat down with a couple of guys on the Android Wear team at Google to talk about where the ecosystem of Android Wear wearables are headed. And well, Sundar Pichai already had big dreams for Android Wear and it looks like David Singleton and Hiroshi Lockheimer have even bigger ambitions for the ecosystem as a whole. CNET asked the two where they think the company is going with wearables after Glass and now Android Wear, here’s their answer:

Lockheimer: Our approach to wearables is the same as our approach to any of our products: We want to build technology that delights people by improving their lives. So our approach to wearables — watches, Glass, even our smart contact lens project which is designed to help people with diabetes measure their glucose — is to build things that you use when you need and forget about when you don’t. We want wearables to help you stay in the moment, instead of taking you out of it: giving you a safer way to get directions, easily share or record what you see, communicate with others quickly, or get the information you need when you need it.

They also asked how soon we would see updates, even though we’ve already seen a number of updates for both the LG G Watch and the Samsung Gear Live:

Singleton: There will be several before the end of the year. You’ll see one come out [this] week where we’ll be able to improve the navigation experience and some of the voice action experience.

It’s a really interesting interview, about a really interesting platform. So make sure you head over to CNET’s post to take a look at the full interview. The link will be in the source section below. How many of you are excited to see the future of Android Wear? Be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments below.