If you’re in college, and are thinking about picking up a new Moto X, you’ll want to keep reading. As Motorola is bringing back the student discount for the new Moto X. As long as you have a working .edu email address – this means you can still send and receive email there – then you qualify for $50 off the Moto X (2014). Now that may not seem like a lot, because it really isn’t, but that brings down the price to $449 off contract, or $49 on contract. Which is killer, in my opinion.
My love for the Moto X is no secret. I really do like this device, but obviously it’s not for everyone seeing as it is a bit small – while a lot of Moto X users are saying it’s way too big. There’s also the battery life. It’s not bad, but not great either. But if it can get you through a full day, like it can for me, then it’ll be a pretty fantastic device. Now if you are looking to get leather or a wood back, you’ll be looking at a $474.99 price tag for the new Moto X. I’d highly suggest the leather Moto X. That’s the review unit that Motorola sent me, and it’s amazing. I really do like it.
Pre-orders for the unlocked GSM model and the AT&T model of the Moto X go live tomorrow morning. Hopefully Motorola’s site can handle it. We don’t want a repeat of their Black Friday sale from last year, do we? I’ll likely be picking one up, how about the rest of you? In case you missed it. We posted our Moto X review yesterday. So make sure you check that out before you purchase the Moto X. That should help you decide on whether you want a Moto X or wait on something else.