Motorola's Moto 360 to sell for £199 in UK from October


With all the exciting new products that have been announced at the IFA in Berlin, ranging from the Galaxy Note 4 models to Asus’ ZenWatch, you could well be suffering from tech news overload. Let’s hope not, because we have more news emanating out of Chicago where Motorola held their own event to announce a variety of smart phones and phone accessories. Our very own Alex Maxham was there, covering all the details, and that’s his forearm you can see in the main image above.

As you can probably guess, the Moto 360 Android Wear smart watch was (Finally!) officially announced to the world, although for many, the same questions need answering:  How much is it? And when and where can we get our hands on one? For my fellow UK dwellers, the wait is almost over, because Motorola have confirmed to pocket-lint that the round-faced Moto 360 will be available in the UK from early October, around a month or so away. The Moto 360 will be sold by John Lewis, Tesco, O2 and Amazon, with a choice of either black or grey leather.

Remember all the conjecture about how much the Moto 360 would cost? Many sites and commentators insisting that the ‘premium’ round-face design of Motorola’s Android Wear smart watch would result in it being priced out of the average users financial reach. The Moto 360 will sell for £199 ($324) in the UK. Compared to its LG’s G Watch and Samsung’s Gear Live that are available from the Google Play Store for £159 and £169 respectively, yes its a bit more expensive. Prohibitively so? No, but the price difference is enough to pause and take a look at the other Android Wear options that are either already or soon to be available. Aside from its round-faced display, another stand out feature that the Moto 360 offers is Qi Wireless Charging with its supplied dock, which you can read about here.

A short recap of what the Moto 360 smart watch is all about. It runs Google’s Android Wear firmware and has a round display that is 1.56-inch big, with a 320 x 290 resolution and is protected from scratches with Gorilla Glass 3. Dimensions-wise, the watch has a height of 11.5mm, with a diameter of 46mm. The Moto 360 isn’t going to be a watch that you can wear unobtrusively on your wrist, people will notice it. Nick covered the specifications here, going into fine detail about the Moto 360’s abilities.

In a nutshell, the Moto 360 Android Wear smart watch will be on sale from October onwards from the UK retailers mentioned above for £199. After all this wait, is the Moto 360 still the smart watch for you? Or has your head been turned by LG’s G Watch R and Asus’ Zenwatch offerings? Or will you buy them all and let them duke it out amongst themselves? Let us know in the comments or at our Google Plus page.