New Ads Show How Google Search Has Become More Powerful Than Ever

In just year, Google’s Search has become more powerful than ever with the assistance of voice search. Google Now is part of the reason for Google’s success as it is integrated in the Nexus 4 and 5, as well as in Play Edition devices. “OK Google,” are the two simple words used that will open up a world of knowledge to you. I personally use the “OK Google” hot word several times a day when calling friends, searching up quick terms on the web, or taking down reminders in Keep. The Power of Google Search is amazing and since they have added voice assistance, getting stuff done hasn’t been easier.

In recent news, Google has posted up several ads that promote Google’s Android Search app and the power it brings to people lives. The first video that will be posted below is of a child yelling out “The Moon The Moon!” The childs father who is watching her then says “OK Google” and asking when will his package arrive. Google then responds saying that his package, which just so happens to be a telescope, has already shipped. The next ad is a compilation of people saying the common word “OK.” Throughout the ad you will see different clips from famous movies and regular people repeatedly using the word “OK.” From the looks of everything, Google is trying to emphasize how common and natural the word “OK” is and that Google’s Search app is just an extension of the word.

In the below videos you are going to see a man standing at the top of the Grand Canyon enjoying the view. He then ask Google how big the Grand Canyon is which is 1,902 sq Miles. Moving on to the last two videos, you’re going to have one where a dog tears up a pillow and the owner ask for Dog Obedience classes, and in the last one you will see a sleeping Koala and a Zoo visitor asking how long they sleep which happens to be 18 to 22 hours!

All of the ads I talked about can be viewed below and two of the last three contain some awesome fun facts. Google Search has really come a long way, and not from a point of it sucked at some time, but that it has advanced extraordinarily quickly.  If you have a cool Google Search experience like the people in the ads, drop your story in the comments below, it will be awesome to hear them.




