Chrome App Launcher Folders Coming Soon

Chrome has improved itself once again with a new look ‘folders’ app that will improve design and aesthetics and be available on Windows, Linus and Chrome Operating Systems.

The Chrome App Launcher is a window in which the user can quickly and easily access all Chrome apps from the desktop.  It can also be added to the user’s Taskbar in Windows or the Dock in Mac for easy access.  The Launcher allows the user to organise apps by moving an app icon from one place to another in the App Launcher.  It’s easy to search for an app by typing the app name in the search box in App Launcher and remove apps that the user no longer needs as well.

Recently, Chromium developers have worked on a set of minor visual tweaks to upgrade and enhance the look of the folder icon in the App List.  The current light grey circle will become a white circle with a grey drop shadow added to it to give a raised, modern and three dimensional appearance.  Even though the changes were minor, the improvement to design and aesthetics affects the overall look of the folders in the list and will be applied to both the classic and experimental launchers.  It’s only recently that Google has brought Material Design to all of their products both online and mobile, and Chrome for Android now features the new Material Design language, so it’s not surprising that Chrome is upgrading other design features too.  In fact, Google has been encouraging manufacturers to release products running the current version of Android and update software eighteen months after release, and, while it is expected that Chrome OS will cooperate there are no signs of a merger.

Even though the Mac version of the app list doesn’t support folders, we’ll see a roll out by mid-November.  In the next couple of weeks we’ll see the changes on Windows, closely followed by the roll out to Linux and Chrome OS.