The YotaPhone is easily one of the more interesting smartphones to have launched over the past couple of years, and now it’s finally heading to India. Or at least, that’s what a certain going on over at Flipkart seems to suggest. Affiliates of Flipkart have been sent their latest newsletter, and Fonearena is reporting that this has contained word of a launch for the first-generation YotaPhone later this month. If you’re wondering why I said “first-generation” that’s because Yota Devices announced a new version of the device during this year’s Mobile World Congress, but that won’t be on sale for quite a little while yet. Besides, devices that are as unique as these take some time to get out the factory and spread across the globe.
If you’re unfamiliar with the YotaPhone, it’s essentially an Android phone with two displays, which at first sounds mad, but the rear-mounted display is an eInk display with a slight curve to it. It’s a 4.3-inch eInk panel that’s designed to display static information for you to glance at without draining much battery at all. It can be used to store a shopping list while out getting your groceries, a reference number for picking something up and of course, reading books. It’s an interesting concept and while the device is a little thick as a result, the specs aren’t too bad besides that. It’s a dual-core Snapdragon S4 powered device clocked at 1.7 Ghz, which does mean it’s a Cortex A15 packing device at least and there’s 2GB of RAM to back it up. There’s a 13-megapixel rear-facing camera and a 1-megapixel camera upfront. The main display is a respectable 1280 x 720 panel coming in at 4.7-inches.
It’s only got an 1,800 mAh cell between those two displays, but considering you’re supposed to use the energy-efficient eInk display this should last you a full day. There’s no pricing confirmed just yet, but when it went on sale in Europe, it cost €499, but we’re expecting something a little less than that as it has been on the market for some time now. Take a look at the device in the gallery below and let us know what you’d use the rear-mounted eInk display for.