Google has recently made their search engine just a tad bit smarter by making it capable of recognizing video games. Now if you search up a game using the search engine, a Knowledge Graph panel will appear the right-hand side of Google’s search results page. The panel will offer more information about the game including the series it belongs to, the initial release date, platforms that the game is supported on, all of the developers, publishers, designers, and it goes as far as to show you the review scores. All of this new informations falls under Google’s new project called Knowledge Graph.
For those of you who do not know what Knowledge Graph is, its a project that has been started by Google that maps out the real world. Now I know what you’re asking yourself, “Don’t they already have Google earth?” Well yes, but this Knowledge Graph goes a step beyond your ordinary map view of the world. With Knowledge Graph, Google will now map physical objects, important landmarks, and famous people. The Knowledge Graph isn’t just available for web searches, you can use mobile and voice searches to access the graph too.
In a question asked by VentureBeat, they wanted to find out if Google was just keeping track of Mobile Games. According to a Google Spokesperson, “We always want to help people find the best answers to their questions – fast. With today’s update, you can ask questions about video games, and (while there will be ones we don’t cover) you’ll get answers for console and PC games as well as the most popular mobile apps.” To prove what Google said, VentureBeat searched up a game and as said by the spokesperson, the Knowledge Graph with in-depth results showed up.
Now as great as this feature sounds, the Knowledge graph isn’t available in every country yet. It has been confirmed that the US and many European countries have the new panel but places like Poland have yet to see it. Google is probably still rolling out this feature to all countries so it will be a while before others can play with it. In the end, the Knowledge Graph will come in handy for future search inquiries and the holiday shopping season that’s coming up ahead.