Although it was meant to be a secret, it was quickly ousted that HTC were working on a standalone camera product/accessory under the guise RE Camera/REcamera and expected to be a rival for the adventurous GoPro hardware. Shortly after the rumors emerged leaked images surfaced showing the new REcamera which looked more like a mini periscope than an actual camera. This was followed by the REcamera being listed on the FCC. In terms of what is on offer (besides looking like a periscope) the REcamera is rumored to offer a 16MP sensor and a 170-degree Super Wide Angle Lens. The device will work underwater and also offer slow motion video recording.
In spite of all the rumors and leaks, HTC have remained relatively stum on the matter with no ‘official’ announcements given. However, that is not to say they haven’t teased us because they have. Roughly two weeks ago a mysterious video suddenly popped up on HTC’s YouTube channel. The video was quite short (barely over thirty seconds) but showed how the camera is expected to perform including underwater filming and a general outdoors feel.
Now fast forward to today. Tomorrow is the actual expected launch of the REcamera, at a special HTC event dubbed ‘Double Exposure’. Which again highlights the emphasis HTC will be placing on camera abilities this year with both the REcamera and also the expected HTC Eye (selfie phone). Now as it’s the eve of the event it seems HTC are taking the opportunity to tease us one last time. However, this time it is not only a mysterious video which has popped up on YouTube, but actually a mysterious YouTube channel that has appeared. The ‘REbyHTC’ channel only contains one video which was uploaded 19 hours ago (at the time of writing). The video (titled “Catching Air”) is not much on the face of it but simply consists of a 12 second filming of a young girl playing on the swings. As the title of the video suggests the girl swings before eventually ‘catching air’ and jumping from the swing. But if you look a bit closer, what the video shows is the rather large wide angle of the camera doing the filming. The swing and catching air highlights the camera will certainly be able to record a wide range without having to be moved at all. The video ends with #InFullView which again seems to refer to the cameras wide lens and stationary wide recording abilities. So there you go. One last teaser before the big event. It seems the REcamera will record stationary as well as it seems to underwater and also on the move. You can check out the video below and as always leave a comment.