Yonatan Zunger, Chief Architect for Google+, has just announced via Google+ that today a pretty substantial new feature is being added to Google+. This new feature, already being dubbed the “PG-13” feature, allows Google+ users to now restrict their content based on age and location.
Lets dive a little more into this new “PG-13” feature of Google+. Let’s start off with an example, lets say you frequently share your articles you write on your blog to Google+ but they tend to have a few cuss words here and there, obviously you don’t want your younger audience to see these posts. So now, with this new feature, you would opt for your content to only be visible to your followers who are over the age of 18. You could also restrict content in the same way except based on certain countries. This is very useful to certain people, especially those who have legal or regulatory restrictions.
This new content feature will be available for both Google+ pages and profiles. To use it all you have to do is go to your Google+ page or profile settings and scroll to Audience and then select the option that best suits your content. Easy enough to use and definitely a long-desired feature of content creators who are very active and share all of their content on Google+.
So what can those users who would be blocked from viewing your Google+ page or profile be able to see when they visit you? Well for starters they will still be able to see your page name, profile photo, and your cover photo. All local information, such as address, phone number, and user reviews. Last but not least, they would still be able to see your photos and comments you made as well as your YouTube channel and videos unless those are restricted. But what’s important is that they won’t be able to see the important stuff, your posts and certain information in the About tab of your page.
We are glad to see the Google+ team adding substantial new features like this to Google+ and we hope to see more in the future. What do you guys think of this new content control feature? Will you be using it at all? Let us know in the comments section.