Repeat of the Nexus 6 delay? Nexus 9 delivery delayed in UK

People all over the world are waiting in anticipation for the release of the Google Nexus 9.  The Nexus 9 will be on sale on 3 November, and has been available for pre-order since 17 October.  Despite the fact that it is supposed to be available in 29 countries over the next few weeks, it appears that once again the United Kingdom (UK) will be late to the party.  It was only recently that online sources were speculating the delay in the Google Nexus 6 hitting the shelves in the UK until at least December, some three months later than other countries, and it looks to be happening again!

Google has held everything about the Nexus 9 close to its chest in order to create a bigger and better Nexus.  The Google Nexus 9 4G LTE model, manufactured by HTC, will run the latest Android OS, 5.0 Lollipop.  The device has an 8.9 inch Full HD display with an NVIDIA Tegra K1 Processor with 2GB of RAM, Dual HTC Boomsound front facing speakers and an 8 Megapixel OIS rear camera and 1.6 Megapixel front camera.

Best Buy and Amazon have stated the device will “start shipping November 3rd”, which pushes back the delivery into your hot little hand a few days at the very least.  Sources have hinted that it won’t arrive until later in November though, possibly around the 12th, and Google remains silent on the issue.  With the Nexus 9 release date fast approaching, UK residents will not be looking forward to a repeat of the Nexus 6 delay.  Some reports state that Amazon UK is sending emails to explain the Nexus 9 order delay:

“We are unable to confirm the reason for the delay in release date.  However, it is based on the manufacturers [sic] decision, and the date mentioned by the manufacturer and supplied by the supplier.”

Despite Amazon’s reasoning, Google Play Store remains on shipping schedule.  Although, there’s nothing to say shipping promises won’t be broken there as well.  Many users choose Amazon due to the Prime next day delivery, but in this case, they may be looking at cancelling their order instead.  So, the question remains:  stick with Amazon and potentially wait to receive your new device, or cancel with Amazon and take your chances with Google Play Store?  It’s a conundrum none of us wants to face!