Samsung Galaxy Note 4 S-Pen Enhanced Features Captured in New Video

Samsung always has its marketing team working on ways to convince us that Samsung products offer the most features – and I doubt that few would argue that…if anything they may argue that Samsung offers too many features that users will never use. There is no doubt that this is the case and I can testify first hand that I only use a handful of the options on my Galaxy Note 3, but one place that Samsung is spot on is their ability to integrate the S-Pen into the Note experience.  I actually know many people that own a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and have only looked at their S-Pen, but very rarely ever use it on a day-to-day basis.  I view this as an absolute shame, because they are missing one of the great features of using the Note…and each iteration of the Note series creates more opportunities to use the S-Pen, or certainly offers more refined ways to use it…read that as easier, smoother, more intuitive, etc., and the Galaxy Note 4, due to soon hit the streets of the U.S., is no exception.

Samsung has just release a new video explain three “Enhanced S-Pen Features.”  The first topic shown is the Smart Select – where it allows you to “Capture and Share” several pieces of information – be it text and/or pictures – at once by capturing one at a time by dragging the S-Pen across the screen, as you would with a mouse, and storing it in a unique folder.  Then you share that information by retrieving it all at once in one swift move and share via email, text, Hangouts, Google+, etc.  You can also save this information just for yourself or share it later.

Next, the Samsung video goes over “Smart Select” – this will allow you extract information and then link it to related apps – for instance, looking for a place to meet for dinner or to party?  Capture a picture of the restaurant, hotel, resort, etc., and link it to the address in Google Maps and put that information in a link for recipients to read.  Then send the information out and when you get responses back, you can link it to your calendar as a reminder.  It all works very easily…take a look at the video.

The third and final item is the coolest one to me, called “Photo Note.”  With this application and S-Pen, you can actually take a photo/picture of a hand written note and the Note 4 will convert the photo to an editable object.  Edit it with your S-Pen (erase, add items, change figures, etc.) and then save your edited “Photo Note” as a digital file and share it with others…almost like scanning in a document to your PC to make corrections, but with the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and S-Pen, you can do it all with your Galaxy Note 4.

Please hit us up on our Google+ Page and let us know what you think of the new Galaxy Note 4 and if you will picking up one of these bad boys…as always we would love to hear from you.
