Stephen Colbert, the political satirist on Comedy Central that we all know and love has recently got into a little tiff with Google. The disagreement steams from the result you get if you ask Google how tall Stephen Colbert is. Stephan said that, while sitting on the toilet, he went ahead and asked Google this question and got a result of 5’10”, a result he says is dead wrong. By dead wrong he means that he is actually 5’11”.
Stephen Colbert immediately took to Twitter with pain in his heart to let Google know how he felt. On October 15th Stephan tweeted, “Fix my height, Google! And add it in nautical miles! I’m 0.0009738nmi, not 0.00096nmi you monsters!” Google later replied with “Talked to the engineers. Turns out you shrink a little each time you Google yourself.” Google also posted in their tweet a link to a new “compromised” height that was now in place of the old 5’10” height that you got when you asked how tall Stephen Colbert was. The new height reads 5’10.5″ (1.79m -ish), a hilarious yet more than likely the most accurate height for any celebrity on Google.
Something worth pointing out is that this little comedy-driven argument between Stephen Colbert and Google comes at a very coincidental time. Just a few days ago Stephen made a small appearance, through voice anyways, at Apples event in San Francisco where they unveiled a few new products. They had help from Stephen in showing how you could make calls from your desktop and using him to call during the presentation. Stephan being so close to Apple lately makes you wonder if the big tech company had any influence on Stephen doing this in any way. Regardless of whether or not Stephen Colbert did this with influence from Apple or just to be funny, it was a pretty hilarious little situation. And it was great to see Google, being such a behemoth tech company, respond in comical manner that they did and even go as far as to change Stephan’s height in the Google search results.