Disney Movies Anywhere Partners With Google Play And Offers Wreck-It-Ralph For Free

If you’re a Disney film fan, then you just got access to a selection of cool new perks. Today Walt Disney Studios is announcing in partnership with Google Play that they will enable Android users the ability to have access to tons of digital movies including Disney, Pixar, and Marvel digital films through Disney Movies Anywhere. All films included are available across any Android devices that users may have, so you can watch anywhere and anytime.

Disney Movies Anywhere for those that aren’t familiar is a digital movie destination where users have access to all these great Disney films, making it simple to keep all your favorite movies from these collections managed in one place. This means whether you’re at home or out and about, you can jump into Disney Movies Anywhere and watch your favorite movies for some family friendly fun and enjoyment. Now that Disney Movies Anywhere is integrated with Google Play, users can not only get easier access to buy any included Disney, Pixar, and Marvel films but they can now watch and enjoy them anywhere there is access to Google Play Movies, which includes Android smartphones and tablets, Chromebooks, through the web inside of Chrome, and through the Disney Movies Anywhere website and Android app. This means you can even access the films through Google Play Movies on your device and stream them to the Chromecast or through any of the current Roku devices that now include Google Play Movies as well for watching on the big screen at home.

With the launch of the Disney Movies Anywhere app on Google Play, users who create a new retailer account will get a free digital copy of the Disney/Pixar film Wreck-It-Ralph for a limited time to add to their movie collection. This was a fantastic little film, and free is always a good thing. The Disney Movies Anywhere app is available in the Play Store now, so all you have to do is download the app and connect your Google account to grab Wreck-It-Ralph for free. If you have kids, nieces and nephews, or like me just generally enjoy the occasional Disney film, the app is definitely worth checking out, plus the app is free too.