We all know the pain of having an app suck the life out of your phone. I was talking with a friend on Twitter about that very thing this morning. There are tons of apps in the Play Store and they all want a piece of the action. Unfortunately, some are way worse than others for how much battery they eat up. Anti-virus company AVG has compiled a list of the top 10 battery-hungry apps, as well as the apps that run on start-up and eat up memory. AVG compiled all of this data from anonymous users who agreed to participate in their fact-finding mission. Let’s take a look.
The top 10 performance-killing apps are led by Facebook, of course. Then Path, 9GAG, Instagram, and Spotify. These are all apps that run in the background, eat up multiple processes, and are sending and receiving data in the background. The list is rounded out by BBM, QQ, textPlus, Wattpad, and iFunny. These are not just apps from small developers that don’t know what they are doing. These are companies like Facebook and BlackBerry that just haven’t figured out how to build an efficient app for the Android platform.
For battery-draining apps, the top 10 are Samsung apps AllShareCast and ChatON, followed by Beaming Service, magicApp, and another Samsung app. Facebook is number six, with Path, PPS for Mobile, Vault-Hide, and Al-Moazin rounding out the list. Facebook and Path make the lists for most battery-draining as well as most performance-draining. Get it together, you two!
Facebook also makes another top 10 in the AVG study: top 10 storage eaters. They are number four on that list. Spotify, Instagram, Vine, the NY Times app, and Chrome Browser for Android are also on that list. These are apps that take pictures and videos and share them. They also cache information and save browsing history, so none of these are a surprise. It’s interesting that Google has figured out how to make the Chrome Browser on Android run well and not eat up your battery even while it’s hogging your storage space.
Hit the source link and jump over to the AVG site to read the full report.