Fleksy is perhaps one of the best third party keyboard apps on the Play Store, and even though they have some stiff competition from the likes of Swfitkey, the stock Google Keyboard and others, in little time they have managed to become one of the more popular options for people that wanted a different and faster typing experience. Since Fleksy has been available the price of their keyboard for the full version of the app has always been $3.99. It was a good value at that price for the fast and accurate typing that it provided, but Fleksy has announced this morning that they’re permanently lowering the price of Fleksy keyboard to just $1.99.
Fleksy is also proud of their accomplishments of once again breaking the Guinness World Record for fastest typing on a touchscreen device, and their decision to drop the price of Fleksy keyboard is an effort to try and bring the experience of Fleksy to a wider audience so they can have the same feeling of excitement. Fleksy’s combination of speed, accuracy, and customization options like keyboard themes, make them a sought after choice amongst other options that consumers have, but their dedication to bring their users the best possible experience to the app and to their typing is what keeps users around. According to Fleksy’s CEO and founder, Kosta Eleftheriou, “There is massive demand for a premium keyboard like Fleksy which combines speed, beautiful design, and customization options.” While some users aren’t going to care much for the beautiful design as aesthetics don’t matter to some, many people love to customize their devices from head to toe and this includes the keyboards look and style. Speed of course, that’s important to, because no one wants to sit there and peck out their messages for a few minutes.
The issue with speedy typing is that often, you end up sacrificing something like typing accuracy when you decide to opt for typing quicker. With Fleksy this is mostly not the case. Their technology has allowed for users to type fast while staying fairly accurate and ending up with less mistakes than other keyboard apps. Part of this helped by Fleksy’s use of gesture swipes which can insert a space, punctuation, or delete whole words, cutting down on the time that users have to manually hit keys to complete those tasks. If you haven’t checked out Fleksy yet, now with the price drop is as good of a time as any to give it a shot.