The Nexus 9 Tablet Gets An Updated Factory Image With The Release Of LRX21R

The last week or so has brought us tons of love from the next version of the Android operating system. Android 5.0 Lollipop has started rolling out to Nexus devices as well as a couple from Motorola with the Moto X and Moto G, and more devices are sure to follow in the near future. There has also been plenty of updated apps to support the newly launched OS version and usher in new UI designs to match that of Material Design. When it comes to the software updates devices have been getting them over the air, and people have also been able to flash them via the factory image if they were willing to put in the extra leg work. This generally meant they could get the software upgrade a little early if the OTA hadn’t yet hit their own device.

While most of Lollipop has been plenty of sunshine and rainbows for many users, there have been some notable and noticeable bugs that have popped up, not the least of which was causing issues with flashing the software upgrades to the Nexus 9. Google had started rolling out a new OTA yesterday to owners of the Google Nexus 9 tablet labeled as LRX21R, which is hopefully fixing issues that people were having applying the update in the first place when they tried to flash LRX21Q. This was happening with users who tried to manually flash that factory image which was available for the Nexus 9 prior to LRX21R, and for those trying to apply the software update over the air as well.

The main reason for this update is probably to fix these issues and if you have a Nexus 9 and have been experiencing this problem, not only has the OTA for LRX21R started going out since yesterday, the updated factory image is available for download and flashing too so if you want to load it up manually you can grab the image from the source below,(the factory image page)and flash it at your convenience. We have no idea if this is actually going to fix the problems but give it a shot and let us know in the comments if it help you out.