The idea of automating certain things in your residence to have a smart connected home is something that major brands have been working towards for the past year or two. There are many different products that one can use to interact with their home automatically from their smartphone, like the Nest Learning Thermostat, Big Ass Fans, and of course appliances from both LG and Samsung like washers and dryers, refrigerators and other products. As part of moving forward with their vision for a better smart connected home Samsung had recently purchased a company called SmartThings, which they finalized an acquisition for in August. Samsung already allows for certain functions to be controlled with apps on their smartphones, but with the SmartThings hubs and devices it opens up even more possibilities for their existing and future line of smart appliances.
Samsung makes a range of different smart appliances, like smart washing machines, robot vacuums, refrigerators, and other products. Both the SmartThings hubs and other products as well as the smart appliances from Samsung that they’re compatible with have limited availability. The products from SmartThings are only available in the U.S. at the moment while Samsung’s range of smart connected appliances are available in South Korea but not the U.S. The buyout of SmartThings gives Samsung a way to work towards a more connected home experience though and sometime next year we should see Samsung’s appliances reach U.S. shores while SmartThings is supposed to make the jump to international availability.
Utilizing a SmartThings hub, you can keep tabs on various things from any of the smart connected appliances that Samsung offers, like humidity levels and temperatures inside your fridge, while you can help to save yourself some money every month when using the hub with a Samsung smart AC unit with the energy saving features. Samsung doesn’t just want to make a home smarter and more connected for your convenience of being in the know about specific details regarding those appliances, they’re focusing aspects on saving energy and money too, making these SmartThings hubs and Samsung’s devices infinitely more useful, and your everyday lives more enriched. One thing that no doubt many people do somewhat often, is accidentally leave the refrigerator door open, and if you own a smart fridge from Samsung as well as the SmartThings hub, you can receive an alert that lets you know to close the door. How useful is that?