Sprint Support: Android 5.0 Rolling out to the Nexus 5 Today

So we kinda already knew this. But Sprint has pretty much just confirmed it. Android 5.0 Lollipop is supposedly rolling out to the Google Nexus 5 later today. This is according to the Sprint Support site. We haven’t heard anything from Google yet, but all signs point to an OTA coming today. And I’m sure a lot of Nexus 5 users are really anxious for it to drop. The build is going to be LRX21O, which is slightly newer then what we’ve got on the Nexus 6 right now. The Nexus 6 is running on build LRX21I.

It’s also important to remind people that Sprint has done this before with the Nexus 5. Said that an OTA was coming, when indeed it was pushed back. So it’s still important to take this with a grain of salt. Even though all signs are pointing to an OTA coming today for the Nexus 5, Nexus 4, Nexus 7 (2012 and 2013) as well as the Nexus 10. As always, as soon as it starts rolling out, we’ll be sure to let you know.

The update, as usual, will be a staggered rollout. Today, about 10% of users will get it. This is to be sure there are no major bugs that might hault an update. Which we saw that last year with a few updates. As always you can flash the system image as soon as that’s available. Or just sideload the OTA. I’m sure we’ll get a link to that pretty soon.

How many of you are on Sprint with a Nexus 5? How many of you are anxious to get your hands on Android 5.0 Lollipop on your Nexus 5? Let us know in the comments below.