AT&T Announce They Will Be The First U.S. Carrier To Offer WebRTC Commercial Support

Web Real-Time Communications (or WebRTC) is an exciting addition to the communications market and some even view it as the next main game changer. For those new to WebRTC, then this is the ability for browsers to communicate with each other, offering users another way to make voice and video calls. In its standard form (WebRTC Standard), it is already suggested that WebRTC is enabled on over one billion browsers, highlighting how important and in-demand the service is. The only problem is that it does currently require browser to browser or P2P to function.

However, the latest news is that AT&T have announced that they will be the first US carrier to offer commercial support for WebRTC. This means that once their support is enabled, users will be able to use their mobile numbers to make voice and video calls through their browser. This is due to an API currently in development by AT&T known as their ‘Enhanced WebRTC API’. It is expected, that moves as bold as this, will eventually lead to the WebRTC format being even more widely adopted in the future due to another barrier between mobiles and the internet being broken down. This enhanced WebRTC API effectively allows for the use of WebRTC without the need for a browser. In contrast, this is the technology used by the likes of Skype and Hangouts, although with these services a browser or plug-in is needed to function. For the Enhanced WebRTC no browser or plug-in will be required.

The announcement from AT&T came today at its annual Developer Summit and really looks set to change the WebRTC landscape. if you are thinking that you would like to give this a go and are an AT&T customer then unfortunately, you will have to wait some time before it is made publicly available, as the format is still in development. That said, if you are a developer, then you can give the recently released Beta API a try by clicking here. So what do you think? Are you glad AT&T are trying to break down the barriers between mobile calling and WebRTC? Let us know.