We heard last week that the Nexus Player was going to be making its way to other retailers very soon, and it’s now available at Best Buy and Newegg. There’s no difference in pricing, as it’s $99 at all three retailers as well as Google Play. Same goes for the Nexus Player controller. But at least you can pop into a Best Buy and grab one, or just order it from Newegg. It is available at Amazon right now, but they are third-party retailers that don’t offer it for $99 and don’t offer Amazon Prime.
We reviewed the Nexus Player late last year. It’s not a bad Google TV unit, especially for being the first one out the door. But as always with first generation products, there are some issues. The Nexus Player has been getting more apps, and games over the past few months, which is always nice to see, especially when it’s a brand new platform. The Nexus Player does include all of the Chromecast features as well, so it’s kinda like a Chromecast on steroids as it does games as well.
Down below, you’ll see links to both the Nexus Player and controller from both retailers. So you can buy your Nexus Player from wherever you want. Since prices are all the same, it doesn’t matter where you buy it.
Best Buy: Nexus Player | Controller
Newegg: Nexus Player | Controller