Interested In Motorola's Newly Announced Devices In China? Check Out Our 'Moto' Content Here

Motorola has announced three new smartphones in China, and the Moto Hint bluetooth earphone will arrive in the near future according to the company. These are not exactly new devices that the company unveiled in China, but a re-announced Moto G, Moto X and Nexus 6 (though the latter one is called Moto X Pro in China and has Moto apps on it). That being said, we have covered every single one of these devices at length in the past, and in case you’d like to check out our coverage, we’ll try to provide some direct links here, so that you don’t have to manually search the site. This might help some of our Chinese readers get more details about each of these devices, in case they don’t know all that already. Anyhow, here we go.

Let’s start with device pages, we have separate pages set up for each of these devices with a ton of AH articles attached to them (specs, galleries, features, related articles…), you can access them here: Moto G (2014), Moto X (2014) and Google Nexus 6. We’ve also reviewed each of these handsets, if you’d like to check those out, follow these links: Moto G (2014) review, Moto X (2014) review and Google Nexus 6 review. The Nexus 6 phablet is the most powerful device here, and it of course ships with Google’s vanilla / stock version of Android, in this case Android Lollipop. The Moto G and Moto X handsets are near stock devices, but not quite. These handsets almost always get updates soon after Nexus devices and their OS is almost stock, but it has some Motorola apps / features built-in, which I’m sure many of you will like. Motorola Moto X ships with Moto Voice, Moto Assist, Moto Display and Moto Actions built-in, each of which can be really useful in your everyday routine. Moto G comes with somewhat less Motorola apps, Moto Assist and Moto Migrate come pre-installed.

If you’d like to get more information about the newest version of Google’s operating system, visit our Android Lollipop page and browse through its content. Here are our top 10 battery packs and cases for the Moto G handset, top 10 cases for the Moto X and top 10 headphones for the Google Nexus 6. This is just a small piece of the content you can find on each of these handsets’ pages, so if you’re interested, take a look. That being said, make sure to let us know if you live in China and intend to purchase either of these handsets.