Motorola Launches Visual Voicemail App So You Can See The Voicemails You Want To Skip

Visual voicemail apps are probably not something at the forefront of your radar, probably because most carriers at this point in time offer some form of visual voicemail app through their own services. My first personal experience with this was with T-Mobile’s visual voicemail app years ago. If you use a carrier that doesn’t offer their own visual voicemail application though and you use a Motorola handset, Motorola appears to have you covered as they have just launched their own visual voicemail app so you can see every voicemail that comes in, allowing you to better skip the voicemail you know or assume is unimportant.

When it comes to voicemail, nothing is better than being able to see everything populated in a list so you can pick and choose which ones to listen to, bypassing the voicemail that you suspect may either be a spam call or just a repeat of a message you have already received. It’s also useful for being able to see and listen to the most recent voicemail, as opposed to having to go through any older ones that may have been compiling in your voicemail inbox before you can listen to any newer messages.

Motorola’s offering for visual voicemail brings in much of the benefit of any other visual voicemail app from what we can tell, and it even applies some of the Material Design style UI, save for the splash of vibrant colors used in the banner of other apps following the Material Design guidelines. Since this is a Motorola based application, we’re going to go ahead and assume here that it will only be compatible with Motorola devices for installation, although a real downside that we can see here, is that this app may be limited to Motorola devices on Verizon’s network. If you don’t mind the lack of a color pallet within the app and you aren’t currently using any other form of visual voicemail offerings, you might want to give this a try on your Motorola device. The app download is free of charge which is a nice thing to see as others have applied a pay model for the app in the past. If you have a Verizon Wireless Motorola device, give the install a try and see how you like it.