Many users are still waiting for their updates to Android 5.0 Lollipop, this includes plenty of users who own and use a Motorola device from last year and the year prior alongside device owners using smartphones from other top name manufacturers. Motorola’s Moto X 2nd Gen. has already gotten the update to Android 5.0 Lollipop but it wasn’t without its bugs, and Motorola has been on quite the mission to fix those issues being experienced by device owners on that particular phone. This morning on Google+, a software engineer(Luciano Carvalho)at Motorola Mobility mentioned that we’ll be seeing the updates to Android 5.0 Lollipop for Motorola’s remaining 2013 and 2014 devices really soon, it’s just a matter of patience as they have to test device for the new software build before they push it out to users, and the type of updates their working on take some time.
Carvalho also took the time to explain what part of the reasoning is as to why the update is probably taken a tad bit longer than expected, and it basically boils down to trying to account for as bug free of a release as possible for all possible combination of devices and components within those devices. Carvalho explains that Google doesn’t fix any bugs or issues that show up for devices if they can’t reproduce the problem on a Nexus device, so the task of fixing it relies on Motorola in this case.
Motorola has multiple devices to work through to make sure that Lollipop, when updated, doesn’t come with the bugs that were being noticed by users when Lollipop initially launched. Carvalho further explains that they are doing a limited soak test roll out of Android 5.0.2 in specific regions around the globe, but they aren’t quite ready to push that software to all remaining Moto products from the past two years just yet, and that it will be ready to go once they can ensure that there are no major bugs or critical issues popping up. In short, rest easy and be patient as Motorola says the updates are still on their way and soon, they just want to make sure they send out an OTA software push that will continue to guarantee their users have a smooth and enjoyable experience they’re used to on a Motorola product.