Google Using Hangouts On Google Play To Provide Customers With Android Advice And Product Information

We all know what it is like. You plan on buying a new smartphone, tablet or laptop and just don’t know what to buy. Everyone keeps mention, Snapdragons, Gigabytes, Memory, Resolution and it all just seems a bit confusion. Plus, what’s all this talk of Lollipop. What does it mean, if I buy a Nexus 5 do I not get Lollipop? Should I be buying a Nexus 6 which comes with Lollipop, but much more expensive? Too many options.

Well, OK. Most people who are reading this will probably be able to answer those questions themselves and will know exactly what device they are looking for or want. That said though, not everyone out there is privy to the information and might need some help or guidance in purchasing their next android device. It seems Google is very much planning on being the person who provides that guidance. Back in 2013 it was reported that Google had kinda brought a forked version of hangouts which went by the name Helpouts. This skewed service was designed to provide users with someone they can chat to who is an ‘expert’ in a field. Need a quick chat with a doctor? then Helpouts was there to, well, help.

It now seems Google have taken that concept to their Play Store. As TechCrunch reports (source link below), if you are stuck on which device to pick up next from the expanding range of Google products, then you can request a quick Hangout with someone over at Google who will provide you with all the information and advice you need. TechCrunch tested the service and it seems to work rather well and not a pressuring sales gimmick. Instead of focused on making sales, the expert encountered was apparently much more about the information, which is nice to see. So, if you do want some info on the latest Nexus device, Android TV or a Chromebook then it seems Google Play is the place to go. Strangely though, they won’t apparently provide information on Nest products. Anyway, head over to Google Play, click on the ‘Devices’ submenu. Once here, hit the small help icon in the top right corner (in between settings and cart) and on the left-hand side of the screen you will see a ‘Video Call’ option. Click on that and you will be connected to a Google Play representative on Hangouts who will fill you in on all your android info needs. Nice huh! Let us know if you give the service a try and what you thought of it.