Radio Shack is one of those long-standing institutions in the U.S. You might not go there very often anymore, but there presumably was a time when whatever you needed, you would head to their stores. After all, they have been around for a very long time. Times change though and it is probably closer to the truth that now people only head down to Radio Shack for the odd lead or connector, that they decided they needed today, instead of waiting on Amazon to deliver. It seems this mentality has finally taken its toll on the national electronics store, as the current news is that Radio Shack will be closing its doors…soon. This won’t come as too much of a shock to a lot of people, and some will have been expecting it anyway, due to the direction in which the electronics market has been going in recent years. That said, one interesting rumor which is being bantered around is that Sprint will take over their stores. Or at least a good number of them.
According to Bloomberg (source link below), Radio Shack is currently in bankruptcy talks which if successful, would see the chain sell half of their stores to the carrier. Once the sale goes through, the stores would then be re-branded and used as Sprint stores. In case you are wondering, the rest of the stores would simply be shut down. Effectively ending the Radio Shack presence on the high street. It was also suggested that the two companies had been in talks to maybe launch some sort of co-branded stores, although those particular talks do not seem to be as solid as the Sprint ‘taking the stores over’ talks.
It is worth pointing out that at present, this is still largely at the rumor stage. The current information comes to Bloomberg from some of their sources, who wish to remain anonymous as the talks are still ongoing. Not to mention, even if the rumored talks are correct, then until anything is finalized, anything could happen which might alter the current path. So what do you think? Should Sprint look to purchase half of Radio Shack’s stores? For the record, that would be somewhere in the region of 2000 additional Sprint stores. Let us know your thoughts.