Just within the last 48 hours, Google has announced the arrival of the next version of Android, Android 5.1 Lollipop, and has started pushing the code up to AOSP(Android Open Source Project)as well as put out the factory images for Android 5.1 Lollipop for the Nexus 5, Nexus 7 2012 WiFi only model, and the Nexus 10 tablet. Rumors and reports have been put out that updates would begin to roll out soon for the Nexus 4, as well as the current Nexus 6, and Nexus 9 tablet too, although we haven’t seen the factory images nor the OTA downloads for any of those devices as of yet. The OTA downloads are currently available for the Nexus 5 though.
If you still own and use the Nexus 7 2012 WiFi only model, and you want to be upgraded to Android 5.1 Lollipop without waiting for the download to come to your device officially, the download link for the OTA is now available for Google’s first Nexus tablet. Android 5.1 brings in some useful changes that users will surely appreciate although since this is the Nexus 7 tablet we’re talking about not everything will be present, like the HD voice calling, for example. The Nexus 7 will, however, see plenty of the changes we’ve gone over in the last couple of days since the software has started hitting devices, like the changes to the lockscreen, allowing users to now unlock the device when they swipe up from outside the notification panel that has been expanded, instead of having to swipe the notification panel back up and out of view and then swipe again to unlock the device.
You can grab the OTA download link below for the Nexus 7 tablet but remember this only for the 2012 WiFi only model, and as such should only be used with that particular model of the device. This means if you use the LTE model you should not flash this software OTA as it will only end up likely damaging your tablet. We’ll keep you updated about future OTA download links for other compatible Nexus devices as they come in, which should continue to happen over the next few days to a week or so.
Nexus 7 2012(WiFi Only) Updating to build LMY47D from LRX22G: Download here