Mobile World Congress has come to a close, and with that there has been many new mobile devices and mobile related products and services revealed. AT&T has announced a new product and service of their own during the event, a new health kit platform called ForHealth which is somewhat akin to what users get with Google Fit. ForHealth will be a place where users can have their health and fitness related data collected and analyzed in one area, in this case, AT&T’s ForHealth app which will be available on devices running on AT&T’s network.
The app and service platform is AT&T’s attempts to give people the means to be healthier and improve personal wellness. AT&T states that ForHealth will seamlessly aggregate data from various sources and give users a series of “personal insights and correlations that are actionable to improve their health.” AT&T wants its subscribers to have the means they need to make better and healthier choices. With ForHealth, users can analyze data on their exercise, sleep and other health related areas to improve workouts, sleep patterns, and eventually their overall personal health. In addition to providing users with meaningful health data, they are setting up ForHealth to also offer a selection of different opt-in content which users will have access to via the app like content streams, programs, challenges and wellness services.
AT&T’s ForHealth goals are no different than other fitness and heath oriented apps and services, in that they all aim to get users to a healthier place by giving them tools to more easily interact with their health and fitness on a consistent basis. Doing these things has never been easier now through all of the means available thanks to smartphones, fitness trackers, and apps, and now subscribers on AT&T will have one more tool to keep in their tool box to further there own health and fitness goals. AT&T states that the ForHealth platform will begin rolling out in the second quarter of 2015, although they didn’t give any specific dates. They do mention however that more details will be given at a later date, which we assume will include device compatibility and exact timing of when users will have ForHealth available to them.