After Launch Of Google Store, "Devices" No Longer Works On Google Play And Now All Queries Go Through Google Store

Today has seen a number of interesting announcements coming from Google. Of those so far, one of the most interesting is the unveiling of a new online Google Store which has just gone live a short while ago. This is in short, a store which is associated with everything Google and everything hardware. So, if you are looking for a Nexus device, an Android Wear powered smartwatch, Android TV compatible devices and so on, then this is the place you will go now to find, buy and get your Google associated devices.

In fact, it is now becoming clear that this will be the only place you go to pick up these Google products, at least that is through Google. Since the Google Shop has gone live, Google have wasted little time in changing up how the Play Store looks. To clarify, the what was once known as the ‘Devices’ section of Google Play is no more. At the moment, the labelled tab is still there but if you click on it, it now redirects you to the new Google Store with a small notice at the top of screen (see image above) that the Device section is no longer in use. This might not seem like a massive change but in terms of Google Play, it is a historic one.

The other aspect of this changeover is that you also can not use Google Play Credit in the new Google Store. Of course, you were not really able to use Google Play Credit to buy devices beforehand on Google Play, but if you had thought the changeover meant you might be able to, it seems you cannot. This also extends to Google gift cards too. However, Google Wallet is accepted through the Google Store although if you do not have Wallet set up yet, you will need to with your credit or debit card. Likewise, if you need to speak to any Google representatives about any hardware issues you are having with a device you bought from Google Play in the past, this can and will now all be handled from the new Google Store. There are a few more FAQ’s you probably should be aware of and you can view the whole “What is the Google Store” answers and questions by clicking the source link below.