While the battle between the operating systems (iOS and Android) continues, the battle goes well beyond one of which operating system is better. In real terms, the battle of the app stores its where the real winners and losers are being found. Interestingly, the battle is not as simple as who does better, or who has the most apps, or even who has the most downloads. The battle between Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store is far more complicated.
For instance, it was already widely reported that in 2014, Google’s offering in the form of the Play Store saw significantly more downloads. In fact, the yearly retrospective report from App Annie noted the difference between the two (in term of downloads) was massive, with Google’s Play Store seeing almost 60 percent more worldwide downloads then the iOS app store. Well, according to the latest figures coming through, it seems Google is increasing that market share with the latest data from App Annie suggesting at the close of Q1 of 2015, Google are now much closer to the 70 percent difference marker. This seems to be in large part due to the increase in usage of emerging markets such as Mexico, Turkey, Brazil and Indonesia. What makes the increase in downloads even sweeter for Google is by the end of 2014, they were accredited with being the second most downloaded publisher outside of Facebook (and excluding games). Well, they have once again maintained the same position for Q1 2015, at least according to the data.
However, as mentioned, the app store war and who is winning is not so simplistic. As it was also widely reported at the close of last year’s business, that in spite of the lesser number of downloads, the iOS store still remains the greater revenue generator of the two. In fact, the figures from App Annie suggest the lead iOS has over Google (in terms of yearly app revenue) was nearly 70 percent higher. The latest figures from App Annie further confirm the iOS revenue lead remains around the 70 percent marker at the close of Q1. You can check out all of App Annie’s Q1 findings in full by clicking the source link below.