Google Now Offers a Free Course to Developers Looking to Speed Up Their Android Apps


Google’s Play Store has been around for quite some time now and while it’s a great place for new developers to get their foot in the door, things are changing. Google has begun focusing on quality over quantity and no longer will users stumble upon quite so many poor apps developed to a low standard. One of the ways that Google is hoping to get away from that is by providing Android developers with better tools to work with. There’s now an official IDE for Android, dubbed the Android Studio and Google are now offering a free course to help developers tackle one of the biggest complaints from users; slow apps.

This is a free course over on Udacity ran by Google themselves that gives developers guidance and how to discover just why it is that their Android app isn’t performing quite as well as they’d like. The course takes up roughly six hours a week of your time, and will be a great course for new developers to take to help them tackle common performance issues. Battery life is also an area this course will touch upon, hopefully limiting the amount of apps that ship with poor battery consumption. The write up for the course says that by “using profiling tools to gather data, you will be able to identify and fix performance bottlenecks, so users can have that smooth 60 FPS experience that will keep them coming back for more.”

These sort of courses are great to see, and considering that this is free, and put together by the people that built and developed Android in the first place, it sure looks like a great opportunity. Users don’t like slow apps and with octa-core CPUs and devices shipping with 2GB or more RAM, there’s really no excuse for slow apps any more. The pain point is heightened when talking about games on Android, as players don’t want to be interrupted when they’re having fun. All the information can be found below at the source link, and if you know someone looking to get started in the world of Android app development then this could be of use to them.