Whether or not you care for targeted ads, they’re seemingly the wave of the future with digital advertising and Google is still at the forefront. According to a report from The Wall Street Journal Google may be preparing to add some new tactics to the way it handles and serves up targeted ads to users. According to the unnamed sources, Google will be partnering up with retailers for showing targeted ads to users based on users email addresses, suggesting that Google would acquire email address information from online retailers where users have purchased items before and then display those ads in Google Search results.
If this is in fact a new way Google will serve up targeted ads, it might not be such a bad idea for those who already shop online. Targeted ads are there for a reason. To be specialized and attempt to show people ads based on things they may have interest in as opposed to ads for random products or services, so what better way to serve up targeted ads than for products people are already shopping for. There have been rumors already circulating that Google would have a new form of ads ready to hit the web sometime later on in 2015, and these new targeted ads by way of retailers could be the system that was being talked about previously.
According to the sources, the way Google’s new ads would work is that targeted ads for any particular product that has been purchased by an individual before, would be displayed on Google’s search page when those users search for those products. So if you had previously bought coffee filters online, then search for coffee filters again two months later, Google could then show your targeted ads for coffee filters from the company you purchased from before. In theory this is how things would presumably work, although nothing has been officially stated as to the actual process since nothing about the new ads methods has been made public. If Google puts these new targeted ads methods in place, banner ads would be left out of the equation for the time being and things would be limited to targeted ads in search results like in the scenario we explained above. That doesn’t mean however that Google couldn’t decide to employ the use of targeted banner ads in the future.