Google's I/O 2015 Web App Released As Open Source

Now that the weekend is here, the after effects of this year’s android extravaganza that is Google I/O is still being fully digested. The announcements that came through will have repercussions going forward for the rest of this year, not to mention well into next year and beyond as well. Although, this year did not as many mega announcements as there was last year, there was still quite a few notable ones on offer. A few of the big headline points included the unveiling and releasing of the developer preview of Android M, as well as the announcing and brief explanation of Google’s next mobile payment platform, Android Pay. Of course, one of the surprise hits of this year’s event was the announcement (and subsequent release) of Google’s new photo service, which is now known as Google Photos.

Generally following the event, Google typically offers their mobile Google I/O app as open source. This allows developers to dig in deep into the app and see some of the highlight points that Google was trying to showcase in the event. Last year, this was of even more importance due to the release of Material Design as a new construct tool for building apps.

Well, this year, Google have decided to open source the event’s web app as well. Google announced the opening of the source code for the web app yesterday on Google+, along with a brief explanation of what developers can expect to understand from the code. In particular, the Google announcement notes the offline-enabled use of the app is a point to focus on. As is Polymer, Material Design, push notifications and google sign-in 2.0. Not to mention, the web app also offers the ability to sync data with the corresponding android app, such as information on the user’s schedule and saved events. As such, the Google I/O web app is now available as open source and can already be picked up and dissected on Github. To find out more about the opening of the source code, click the source link below to read the Google Developers Google+ announcement in full.