T-Mobile Expecting Nexus 6 WiFi Calling within 7-10 days

WiFi Calling is a pretty big deal. After all, having the ability to connect and place a call when you’re not in the range of a local carrier tower is a godsend. Unfortunately, those who are using the Nexus 6 under the T-Mobile carrier, will find that the smartphone is lacking that capability and has been lacking it for over six months. The waiting period for when the Nexus 6 will get that feature may actually be just around the corner though, thanks to an announcement made over Twitter. Of course, anything is possible and it may get delayed once again.

For those unaware, WiFi calling is a feature that most carriers offer, one of which happens to be T-Mobile. The feature allows consumers to connect onto a wireless hotspot and place a call or text completely free. This would allow certain locations with a poor to nonexistent service range the ability to still operating and use smartphones for calls and SMS so long as if there is a WiFi connection you can connect onto. As mentioned though, the Nexus 6 has been missing this feature for quite awhile now.

Released over six months ago, the Google Nexus 6 flagship was unable to connect and place WiFi calls and messaging. Apparently the developers were having a tough time getting all the bugs out of the feature for the Nexus 6. That may, however, change according to Des, a T-Mobile product evangelist and former product manager and engineer. Des revealed over his Twitter social media profile that another bug was discovered for WiFi calling on the Nexus 6. What makes this one different is that if T-Mobile can properly make the adjustments, the Nexus 6 will be able to start using WiFi Calling within the next week. This has been a long time coming for some and it may be too little too late. The Nexus 6 was released last year and it could mean that some consumers are gearing up for another smartphone purchase. Either way, it is pretty likely there are quite a few Nexus 6 users who are more than eager to get WiFi Calling stable enough to start using.