T-Mobile Will Swap Recently Bought 32GB Galaxy S6 For 64GB

With Memorial Day fast approaching, there are a number of deals starting to emerge. That said, one deal which has attracted significant attention over the last twenty-four hours is one which was announced by T-Mobile. The deal is for one of the most highly sought after devices of the moment, the Samsung Galaxy S6 and by proxy, the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. What’s more is that the deal is very simple – buy a Samsung Galaxy S6 (or S6 Edge) 32GB and get a Samsung Galaxy S6 (or S6 Edge) 64GB. In clearer terms, T-Mobile will be dropping the price of the 64GB models of both devices down to the price of the 32GB models. This works out to be a roughly $80 savings. So all is good if you plan to pick up a Samsung Galaxy S6 or S6 Edge.

However, this is not so good for those who might have picked up either of these devices already from T-Mobile. Well, that is not exactly true. TmoNews (source link below) has managed to unveil more details about the deal and there’s an interesting caveat in place for those who are currently under ‘Buyer’s Remorse’. For those who are unclear as to whether this applies to them, buyers remorse, is simply the two-week period you have to change your mind about your purchase. If you fall into that category, then it seems T-Mobile has you covered.

The new details reveal that if you have bought the 32GB version of either device, then you can bring it back and swap it out for the larger 64GB version. If you had already picked up the 64GB version at the full price, then it seems you will be able to claim a $80 rebate. As such, those still under buyer’s remorse will be able to take advantage of the same deal. Of course, while this might sound like T-Mobile being generous, it is probably much more likely to be a way for them to protect themselves from anyone who has recently purchased the device from bringing it back and getting a refund and then purchasing the device again under the new deal. After all, they are only offering the deal to those who are still in the period when they can bring the device back without prejudice. Either way though, if you do fall into the category you might want to think about swapping out for the bigger option or getting your rebate. If you have yet to buy the device, but do plan to take part in the deal then it is worth remembering that it runs from May 23rd through to May 25th.