Android 5.1 OTA Delayed for Moto X Pure Edition

Android 5.0 and 5.1 OTA’s have been some of the slowest updates in recent memory. With tons of delays, and some manufacturers deciding not to upgrade to the latest version of Android. Android 5.0 Lollipop was a huge update, with a ton of new API’s as well as a brand new design – Material Design. When you have a big update like that, there’s bound to be a ton of bugs that need fixing. Which is the main reason that there have been so many delays. The Moto X 2014 Pure Edition was one of the first devices to get Android 5.0, and it was due to get Android 5.1 pretty soon. But that appears to not be happening when we all wished it would, as it has been delayed now.

+David Schuster from Motorola, announced the delay on Google+

“I wanted to give an update on where we are with the Moto X (2nd Gen) soak testing. We ended up detecting an issue that we want to correct prior to moving to full deployment. We already have identified the fix and are in the process of testing internally this coming week and expect to submit to carrier labs for a quick approval the following week.”

So it looks like Moto X 2014 Pure Edition users shouldn’t expect the update before late next week, at the earliest. We likely will see a soak test take place beforehand, and then the update will start rolling out. Reading through the comments on his post, and you’ll see a lot of people aren’t happy about the delay. But I’d much rather Motorola go back and fix these bugs before rolling out the update to the Moto X. We definitely appreciate Motorola being much more transparent about these updates compared to the past. Hopefully the next test for the Pure Edition won’t take too long so that it can be rolled out, and other variants will get their update fairly soon as well. With the first generation Moto X coming up soon after that. You can check out Schuster’s full Google+ post in the source links below.