App Annie Reveals Astounding Growth For Google Play

App Annie is a business intelligence company and analyst firm with a simple, yet ambitious goal of guiding developers to success with their apps. The company is responsible for the success of over numerous applications and regularly quoted by The Wall Street Journal, and Bloomberg among other major news sites. As of February 2015, App Annie tracked over 6,400,000 smartphone applications with its Analytics platform and allowed over 45,000 developers to analyze the information for the market their upcoming apps were planned to be released. Just recently, a new report was released by App Annie, in which the company analyzes closely the astounding growth that Google Play has been undergoing. For this month’s report, App Annie focused on three key expansion opportunities that the Google Play Store has, worldwide manner, in specific countries, and in the different categories showcased inside the store; each thoroughly detailed and examined by the company’s intelligent solutions.

Google is working hard every passing second to gain more users for Google Play, but has the increased effort by the internet giant, payed off? App Annie believes it has; the company stated in its “State of Play” report for May 2015, an overall improvement in Google Play’s numbers. Several areas had an increment, including a remarkable  growth for the worldwide Google Play downloads, up by 30 percent from Q1 2014 to Q1 2015. This progress could be attributed to Google’s expansion in emerging markets such as Brazil and India. But the number of downloads isn’t the only aspect of Google Play that has increased, as App Annie’s data reveals that the revenue has grown in an even faster pace than the number of downloads. Google Play saw a year-over-year increase of 1.4x for Q1; In contrast with the number of downloads the increment in revenue is not attributed to emerging markets, it is instead associated with the company’s expansion in well-established markets like South Korea, the United States, and Japan.

App Annie, also defined the major countries for different analyzed areas, such as the app download growth; which is led by Brazil, a country that faced a 1.9x growth, closely followed by India at 1.5x. The top 5 largest countries sorted by downloads are the United States, Brazil, India, Russia, and Mexico. In terms of revenue, App Annie also analyzed the top spending countries, which have Japan ahead, followed by the US, South Korea, Germany, and finally the United Kingdom.

Google Play is divided into two main sections, apps and games; both of which experienced a notorious increase in overall downloads, and the games section generating a lot more revenue than other kinds of apps. With a surprising year-over-year 50 percent increase, games inside Google Play dominated in terms of revenue. The Google Play Store also features different categories, so that customers can easily find a specific app, and for developers to be certain that their own applications will reach the desired target market. App Annie determined the top categories by revenue inside the Google Play Store to be primarily Tools with an unprecedented download growth, and Personalization which also was accountable for an enormous increase.  There is no doubt these numbers will continue to grow, with Google evolving together with its own store platform.