A good business to be in right now is producing cameras for smartphones – low-end, high-end, it doesn’t really matter – as the demand will do nothing but increase over the years. The business is thriving as the sale of smartphones continues to rise and the demand for high quality cameras and lenses increase as well. With all of that growth, nothing could make them happier except to hear that both Samsung and Apple are looking into producing smartphones with dual-cameras in the near future. When you take into account that nobody in the world produces more smartphones than these two manufacturing giants…the camera makers just had their sales take a huge leap.
This will have a huge trickle-down effect because an increase in camera modules also means an increase in relevant materials and parts such as lenses, AF actuators, and filters, and mobile D Ram and semiconductors. We know for sure that Samsung and Apple are committed to the technology – Apple purchased LINX Imaging last April that specialize in dual cameras and Samsung’s newly released Exynos 7420 processor is already designed to process dual-image signals in preparation for the cameras. Not only is Samsung and Apple committed to dual-cameras, but the Chinese manufacturers are starting to secure dual-camera technology as well.
Using dual-cameras is nothing new – look at the HTC One M8 from last year with its Duo-camera, used to add depth to your image, although they abandoned it this year on their One M9. A dual-camera has several benefits, such as being thinner and sleeker in design – nobody likes a bulge on their smartphone. But much more than that, just as the human body has two eyes, having dual cameras can fix errors in colors to give us a more precise color…the true color of our object. Two lenses can also help produce a clearer image, just as our eyes work together to focus in on an object. Dual-cameras can work independently from each other – one can focus on the subject and the other on the background, implementing resolution and focus at a DSLR camera’s level.
Dual-cameras have a better chance of capturing a good photo even in poor conditions or even produce a sort of 3D image. One expert said, “Picture quality depends on the amount of light that gathers on image sensor through lenses. Theoretically quality has to be better about two times more since there are two times more of lenses and image sensors.” High-quality parts from a variety of manufacturers will be needed in great supply, and with the takeover of the smartphone camera as our most popular method for taking photos, the demand can only grow.