HTC's "Aero" to Launch This November on Sprint?

A little while ago, rumors of a new HTC device started swirling, dubbed the”Aero” it was thought that this was to be a ‘flagship’ device from the company, but now it looks like this could be more of a mid-range offering from HTC. With the release of the HTC One M9, the Taiwanese company has released yet another device that builds on the impressive design of 2013’s HTC One. As the year went on, HTC steadily released more variants of the One M9, for those looking for similar features without the price tag in the E9 and an arguably much better version aptly named the One M9+. Regardless of whether or not HTC’s latest strategy of releasing more devices seems to be working, it looks like they’re going to stick with it.

Recent rumors from Twitter, courtesy of @evleaks have stated that the HTC Aero is to launch during Q4 of this year and over the weekend we saw Evan share a little more info by saying that the device was to launch on Sprint this November. Launching a phone on Sprint isn’t anything to write home about, but as Evan goes on to say that the Aero is an “intermediate device” even though it will be a “One” phone just like the M9 and M8 before it, is interesting. Last year, as well as the year before, saw HTC release the One Mini and One Mini 2 (known as the One Remix on Verizon) as a budget offering for those looking for a smaller device at a smaller cost without sacrificing the build quality of the HTC One. It’s possible that this Aero device could be the answer to the hole left by HTC this year, as they’ve yet to release a One Mini in 2015, instead focusing on their Desire line of budget and mid-range devices.

There is of course a chance that all of this is just speculation and that HTC doesn’t have anything planned for the rest of 2015 in North America, but it would be unlikely that HTC will leave the holiday season untouched. Considering the One M9 clearly isn’t selling very well, we doubt we’ve heard the last of HTC this year.