Sergey Brin Explains The Goal Of Self-Driving Cars

Google has been developing a new form of transportation for over 6 years now, one in which drivers won’t even have to touch the steering wheel or even step on the gas pedal. A future where humans will only be passengers inside their own cars is eventually coming; self-driving vehicles will populate the streets around the world, so that everyone can make their daily commutes a simple and more efficient process. But, is this simplicity really the main goal behind Google’s self driving cars? In a form filed recently to the Securities and Exchange Commission, Sergey Brin (Google’s Co-founder), explained the true motives behind the internet giant’s enormous interest in shaping up a future where every single vehicle will be autonomously operated.

Google’s driverless cars were developed in the X branch of Google, which Sergey Brin is director of. Google X is where the craziest and most innovative products come to life, but is also one of the most secretive when it comes to details about upcoming inventions. This is the main reason the public is so misinformed about Google’s self-driving cars, they were developed inside Google X. So after the anticipation and curiosity began to take over numerous tech enthusiasts that heard about the new innovative vehicles, Sergey Brin himself sent out a document where Google’s intentions were better explained, so that the Securities and Exchange Commission stopped speculating about the company’s goal.

Sergey Brin revealed that the reason behind Google’s developing driverless cars, is to expand and increase the power that computation currently has; which is currently being limited almost exclusively to the internet. Brin noted that the self-driving car project is one of the best examples of the influence computation could have in a person’s life. With the new self-driving cars, Google hopes to create roads filled with cars that can drive themselves without any human intervention, virtually eliminating human errors that could happen at any moment; making roadways a lot safer than they currently are. Google also expects to reduce the cost of current transportation and to make it more accessible for everyone, including handicapped people. Google’s self-driving cars will without a doubt enhance the lives of many; but with the public being skeptical to this type of vehicles, it will take some time for driverless cars to populate the roads around the world.