When it comes to getting around there are few tools handier than Google’s very own Maps service. This is one of those features which is ever-evolving and seeing new features being added on a fairly routine basis. As such, Maps has become to go-to tool for direction seekers across platforms and devices. One interesting feature which came about a couple of months ago was the ability to send directions to your device from Google Search. All users had to do was input a destination and the option to send the directions to your device would become available.
In particular, this was one of the real breakthrough features for Maps, as it stands to reason that when planning a journey, most people would probably plan it on a desktop or laptop. Therefore, the ability to simply send the direction to your portable device seems almost too natural of an upgrade. Well, it seems that Google thought so as well, as they have now pretty much done the same thing with Maps.
It seems that if your are running the latest version of Maps on your smartphone, then the same feature is now available when using Maps on a laptop, desktop or Chromebook. All the user has to do is head over to Maps (and as long as the portable device is updated) you should immediately see a ‘Send to device’ link located directly underneath the directions tab. Once clicked, any devices you own that are connected to the same account will show up in the listings. You can then simply choose which device to send to. After sending, the information comes through to your device as a notification, providing you with the option to either directly open the directions or open the navigation. Interestingly, this is the same update which a couple of days ago saw reports detailing the inclusion of the ability to view Maps in full screen. For those that missed it, in short, you could now look at Maps without having to worry about the additional overlaid tabs like Search to Explore or the Google Search bar. Back to the latest feature, if you have the latest version of Maps, then the feature is live now so you can head over to Maps on your desktop and give it a try.