OnePlus 2 to cost less than $450 USD, Says CEO

There’s been rumors that the OnePlus 2 would cost more than the OnePlus One, which came in at $299 for the 16GB and $349 for the 64GB model. We had heard rumors that it would be around $500, but we are hearing today (straight from the horses mouth, so to speak) that the device will not be $500, but under $450 USD. Which usually means we are looking at a $449 price tag. However, with shipping, it’ll be a bit closer to that $500 price. That’s still considerably cheaper than the other flagships out there right now. If you look at the LG G4, HTC One M9 and the Samsung Galaxy S6, you’ll notice the price for a flagship device is around $700-750. So even at $450, that’s close to half the price of their competitors.

OnePlus has been announcing specs of the upcoming device lately. And we do know that it’ll have a USB Type-C USB port, so it’ll be the first phone – maybe – to have USB Type C. It’ll also be using the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810  version 2.1 processor. Which OnePlus has underclocked it to 1.8GHz, to keep it from overheating. This is the same version that the Sony Xperia Z4 and Xperia Z3+ have, which are overheating still. So we’ll have to wait and see if underclocking it really keeps the device from overheating. Additionally, we also know that the device is going to sport a fingerprint sensor. Which can’t really be a huge surprise, considering Google added better support for fingerprint sensors in Android M, and just about every flagship is adding one.

July 27th, that’s the date set by the company to unveil their second generation flagship. They’ll be doing it in Hong Kong, and it’ll take place at about 7pm PDT. Additionally they are doing the event in virtual reality, so you’ll be able to watch the event with your Google Cardboard, which is actually pretty neat. Wonder how many people will get sick from using cardboard for around an hour though? We’ll see on July 27th when OnePlus announces the OnePlus 2.